× Homepage Vesuvius 79 AD Laki Fissure 1783
Instructions Magma Formation Lava Flow Behavior (1) Observing Submarine Lava (2) Observing Subaerial Lava (3) 'A'ā and Pahoehoe (4) Iceland Laki Fissure 1783 Fieldwork (5) Advancing Lava Flows (6) Local Impacts (7) Global Impacts Laki Sulfur Content (8) Sulfur Discharge (9) Climate Hypothesis (10)
Homepage Vesuvius 79 AD Laki Fissure 1783

Submarine Lava Flows

Map of seafloor age [NOAA]

Most volcanic activity on Earth takes place at mid-ocean ridge spreading centers deep below the sea surface, like the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (red areas on the map shown here).

The average depth to the mid-ocean ridge is about 2800 meters. At this depth, the pressure is 300 times the atmospheric pressure and the water temperature is close to freezing.

New oceanic crust is continuously being formed at these depths due to submarine eruptions, as the lithospheric plates spread apart.

Eruptions at mid-ocean ridges discharge mostly basaltic magma that produces unique types of lava flows due to the presence of seawater.

Observing Submarine Eruptions and Flows

Task 2 Icon

In this part of the exercise, you will observe video of a submarine eruption and examine the types of flows that are produced by this activity.

For Task 2, please do the following:

1. View the video of eruption 1 and describe the activity in the field notebook using your own words

2. View the resulting flows from eruption 1, and describe their features in the field notebook

Eruption 1

Lava Flows from Eruption 1

These photos show submarine lava flows from the seafloor. In your field notebook, briefly describe the characteristics, such as shape, texture, and color, of lava flows formed by submarine eruptions.

Once you have completed your descriptions of eruption 1, you can move ahead to the next page.