× Homepage Vesuvius 79 AD Laki Fissure 1783
Instructions Magma Formation Magma Properties Magmatic Gases Volcanic Aerosols Lava Flow Behavior (1) Observing Submarine Lava (2) Observing Subaerial Lava (3) 'A'ā and Pāhoehoe (4) Iceland Laki Fissure 1783 Fieldwork (5) Advancing Lava Flows (6) Local Impacts (7) Global Impacts Laki Sulfur Content (8) Sulfur Discharge (9) Climate Hypothesis (10)
Homepage Vesuvius 79 AD Laki Fissure 1783

Task 3 Icon

Eruption 4 Deposits

These photos, and the panoramic image below, show subaerial deposts from eruption type 4. The scale bar in the photos is divided into 10 cm intervals.

In your field notebook briefly describe the characteristics, such as shape, texture, and color, of the products of eruption type 4.


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